Preservation Aspects of a Curation-Oriented Thematic Aggregator 
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects, iPRES2013, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2013, Pages: 246-251
- Contact persons: Dimitris Gavrilis , Stavros Angelis , Christos Papatheodorou , Costis Dallas , Panos Constantopoulos
The emergence of the European Digital Library (Europeana) foregrounds the need for aggregating content using smarter and more efficient ways taking into account its context and production circumstances. This paper presents the main functionalities of MoRe, a curation oriented aggregator that addresses digital preservation issues. MoRe combines aggregation, digital curation and preservation capabilities in a package that shields content providers from changes, and that ensures efficient, high volume metadata processing. It aggregates data from a wide community of archaeological content providers and integrates them to a common metadata schema. The system provides added-value digital curation services for metadata quality monitoring and enrichment so that to ensure metadata reliability. Furthermore it provides preservation workflows which guarantee effective record keeping of all transactions and the current status of the repository.