IBISBA - Delivering the Infrastructure As a Legal Structure
R&D Project - European
  • Contact person: Theodore Dalamagas
  • Start date: 01-01-2024
  • Duration: 36 months
  • Programme: HORIZON-INFRA-2023-DEV-01
  • Funding: 1.499M euros
  • IMSI funding: 177K euros
  • Project webpage: https://www.ibisba.eu
The European Research Infrastructure IBISBA (Industrial Biotechnology Innovation and Synthetic biology Accelerator, https://www.ibisba.eu) is a distributed Research Infrastructure that provides Biotechnology services within the framework of Bioeconomy activities. Biotechnology involves the study, design, and exploitation of biological processes using organisms such as enzymes, secondary metabolites, and antibodies, for the production of commercially valuable products. Examples of biotechnological products include biofuels, pharmaceutical proteins, food, detergents, fertilizers, pesticides, cosmetics, etc., while examples of services include applications such as wastewater treatment, reducing environmental footprint, medical diagnosis, and genetic therapies. The IBISBA infrastructure entered the ESFRI roadmap of research infrastructures in 2018, is in the ESFRI PREPARATION phase, and its operational start is expected in 2025. The project will design and implement the catalog of services of the IBISBA infrastructure as well as management and monitoring applications for these services.