
Large-scale pilots for collaborative OpenCourseWare authoring, multiplatform delivery and Learning Analytics
R&D Project - European

The creation of comprehensive OpenCourseWare (OCW) is tedious, time-consuming and expensive and the result is often incomplete, outdated, inaccessible to those with disabilities and dull. With the open-source SlideWiki platform ( the effort of the creation, translation and evolution of highly-structured remixable OCW can be widely shared (i.e. crowdsourced). Similarly to Wikipedia, SlideWiki allows (1) to collaboratively create OCW (curricula, slide presentations, self-assessment tests, illustrations etc.) online, (2) to semi-automatically translate this content into more than 50 different languages and to improve the translations in a collaborative manner and (3) to support engagement and social networking of educators and learners around that content. SlideWiki is already used by hundreds of educators, thousands of learners. Several hundred comprehensive course materials are available in SlideWiki in dozens of languages.

In this large-scale trial project, the SlideWiki platform will further mature and integrate with a state-of-the-art MOOC delivery platform and four large-scale trials will be performed in (1) secondary education, (2) vocational and professional training, (3) higher education and (4) community-driven open-education. These trials will be performed with hundreds of educators and thousands of learners in countries across Europe. A particular focus of the technology development and testing in the trials will be the suitability for academics, teachers and learners with disabilities.