GoNTogle: a Tool for Semantic Annotation and Search
ESWC 2010 (demo paper)
- Contact persons: Theodore Dalamagas , Giorgos Giannopoulos , Timos Sellis , Nikos Bikakis
This paper presents GoNTogle, a tool which provides ad-
vanced document annotation and search facilities. GoNTogle
allows users to annotate several document formats, using
ontology concepts. It also produces automatic annotation
suggestions based on textual similarity and previous doc-
ument annotations. Finally, GoNTogle combines keyword
and ontology-based search, offering advanced ontology query
keyword-based search, including ontology-based search with
advanced semantic queries and combined search. In con-
strast with other works, our aim was to implement an easy-
to-use document annotation and search tool, that would
fully support viewing and annotating popular document types
maintaining their initial format, sharing those annotations
and searching for documents combining keyword and ontol-
ogy search.