A study on the readability of scientific publications
TPDL 2019
- Πληροφορίες: Θανάσης Βεργούλης , Ηλίας Κανέλλος , Σεραφείμ Χατζόπουλος , Θοδωρής Δαλαμάγκας
- Σχετικό ερευνητικό έργο: MEDA.2
Several works have used traditional readability measures to investigate the readability of scientific texts and its association with scientific impact . However, these works are limited in terms of dataset size, range of domains, and examined readability and impact measures. Our study addresses these limitations, investigating the readability of paper abstracts on a very large multidisciplinary corpus, the association of expert judgments on abstract readability with traditional readability measures, and the association of abstract readability with the scientific impact of the corresponding publication.