- Contact person: Dimitris Skoutas
- Relevant publications
- Start date: 01-01-2019
- Duration: 36 months
- Programme: RIA, H2020 ICT-12-2018-2020
- Funding: 3,9 M Euros
- IMSI funding: 850 k Euros
- Project webpage:
- Partners: Athena Research and Innovation Center (ATHENA), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e), Universitat Konstanz (UKON), RAW Labs SA (RAW), SpazioDati SRL (SDATI), Spring Techno GmbH & Co. KG (SPRING), SYNYO GmbH (SYNYO)
In the era of Big Data, decision making processes are becoming increasingly data-driven and data-intensive. The Data Lake approach refers to assembling large amounts of diverse data from a multitude of data sources, retaining their original model and format, and allowing users to query and analyze them in situ. Thus, it promises to enable ad hoc, self-service analytics and to reduce the required time from data to insights.
SmartDataLake aims at designing, developing and evaluating novel approaches, techniques and tools for extreme-scale analytics over Big Data Lakes. It tackles the challenges of reducing costs and extracting value from Big Data Lakes by providing solutions for virtualized and adaptive data access; automated and adaptive data storage tiering; smart data discovery, exploration and mining; monitoring and assessing the impact of changes; and empowering the data scientist in the loop through scalable and interactive data visualizations.
The results of the project are evaluated in real-world use cases from the Business Intelligence domain, including scenarios for portfolio recommendation, production planning and pricing, and investment decision making.