Visualizing Implicit RDF Schema with the Help of Embeddings 
In EDBT/ICDT Workshops
- Contact person: Marios Meimaris
- Relevant research project: MEDA.2
In this vision paper we present a direction for visualizing the
implicit schema of a loosely-defined RDF graph in different zoom
levels. RDF datasets do not necessarily adhere to strict structural
guidelines, even though a schema in the traditional sense (e.g.,
an underlying ontology or simple rdf:type declarations) usually
exists. Instead, there can be many different ways that instances
of a particular type can appear in the same dataset. For example,
two instances of the same type can have different properties, thus
making their type equality semantically ambiguous. Visualizing
this schema can lead to either non-intuitive depictions of the
implicit types, or over-generalized visualizations that lack infor-
mative detail. In this paper, we propose our vision of an approach
that tackles this issue by embedding the implicit schema into a
vector space that captures generalizations and specializations of
the implied types and relationships in an RDF graph.