Exposing INSPIRE on the Semantic Web
- Contact person: Spiros Athanasiou
- Relevant research project: GeoKnow
This session of the workshop presents a methodology towards repurposing INSPIRE Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) as high-quality Linked Data sources according to the Resource Data Framework (RDF) and GeoSPARQL standards. It will also showcase a suite of related open-source software tools (TripleGeo, TripleGeo-CSW). With these tools, INSPIRE Catalogue Services can be accessible with Semantic Web technologies, thus facilitating discovery of INSPIRE data. In addition, the tools integrate reusable application profiles in RDF for INSPIRE metadata and INSPIRE Annex I data themes, making them accessible through SPARQL endpoints. This methodology may be applied as-is for INSPIRE metadata and data of Annex I across the EU, and is inherently extensible for Annexes II & III data by simply authoring additional RDF mappings with minimal overhead.
Having already used these tools for publishing geodatasets on the Semantic Web (geodata.gov.gr/sparql), we will share our practical experience from all stages of this process with real-world examples on selected INSPIRE-aligned datasets and services from several European countries.