Design and Development of the YouWho and Socioscope platforms
R&D Project - National
- Contact person: George Papastefanatos
- Start date: 29-06-2018
- IMSI funding: 24.800,00
- Project webpage:
Following a long-standing collaboration between IMSI-ATHENA R.C and the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) the project aims at extending and providing new features to the Socioscope platform, a data platform developed by IMSI and used for hosting and visualizing data collected from social surveys by the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE).
Moreover, the project will implement the YouWho platform , which will be a web platform for social and political scientists to conduct online surveys and visualize the results in interactive ways. The platform will offer new novel ways of conducting surveys based on chat-based questionnaires for interacting with users and getting their feedback. The platform will be evaluated during the implementation of a large-scale online survey for the identification of trends and behaviors in young people aged 18-29 years old.