Dr. Harry Dimitropoulos holds a BSc (Eng.) in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, City University London, an MSc and PhD in Information Processing & Neural Networks, King’s College London, and is currently a research associate at Athena RC and at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the University of Athens; before 2003 he was a research associate at the Image Processing Group, King’s College London. His present research interests include knowledge discovery, text and data mining, and data curation & validation. He has participated in numerous EU-funded R&D projects as a senior researcher (recently: Data4Impact, MyHealthMyData, OpenAIRE-Advance, OpenAIRE2020, OpenAIREplus, OpenAIRE, Human Brain Project, MD-Paedigree, ESPAS, Health-e-Child), frequently as work-package leader and project management team member. He is a Member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (MIET) and the International Neural Networks Society (INNS).