Yannis Theodoridis

Yannis Theodoridis

Adjunct Researcher
Professor Yannis Theodoridis (PhD, 1996) is faculty member with the Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus, Director of the Data Science Lab., member of the Scientific Council at IMSI / ‘Athena’ Research Centre. His research interests include Data Science (management & analytics) for mobility data. He is member of the editorial board of ACM Computing Surveys (since 2016) and Int'l Journal on Data Warehousing and Mining (since 2005), and life-long member of the Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases - SSTD endowment (since 2010). Since 2001, he has acted as project coordinator or scientific / technical manager for a number of EU-funded research projects under FP6, FP7 and H2020 framework programmes. He has served as general co-chair for SSTD'03, ECML/PKDD'11 and PCI'12, PC vice-chair for IEEE ICDM'08, and PC member for numerous conferences (SIGMOD, PODS, ICDE, KDD, ICDM, etc.). He has co-authored three monographs and more than 100 refereed articles in scientific journals and conferences, having received more than 9,000 (2,600) citations so far, according to Google Scholar (SCOPUS, resp.).