Ioannis Emiris
Adjunct Researcher
- Publications at IMSI
- Contact person for the R&D projects ARCADES, EDA CLOUDFLOW, GRAPES, ΠήΓΑΣΟΣ/PeGASUS, DT4GS
- Contact person for the commercial projects with IDs GeCoInt, GeCoInt_2021, ΔΡΟΜΟ
- Member of the Department of Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning
Ioannis Emiris is President and Director General of Athena RC since 2021. He obtained his BScEng from Princeton University in 1989, and his MSc and PhD from U.C. Berkeley in 1991 and 1994, respectively, all in Computer Science. He has been Researcher at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France) from 1995 to 2002, and external collaborator since then. He joined the Department of Informatics & Telecommunications at NKU Athens in 2002 as faculty and holds a part-time professor appointment. His research interests include Scientific and Geometric computing, Data science, Robotics, and Bioinformatics. He has participated in several European, bilateral and national research projects, and has been coordinating 3 such projects. He has supervised 14 PhD students and 8 Postdoc fellows. He is the author of one book in Computational Geometry, co-editor of two volumes, and author of more than 130 journal and peer-reviewed conference publications, of which two earned the Distinguished Paper Award at ACM International Symposium on Symbolic & Algebraic Computation (ISSAC). He has been program committee chair of ISSAC 2011, General co-Chair of ISSAC 2020, and invited lecturer in a number of conferences. He is associate editor of "J. Symbolic Computation", "Applied Algebra to Engineering, Communication & Computing", and "Mathematics for Computer Science", he is chief scientist in a deep-tech company, and has been member of the scientific board of HFRI (ELIDEK) representing Mathematics and Informatics.