Agiatis Benardou
Since 2009 Agiatis Benardou has been a member of the research staff of the Digital Curation Unit, where she initially worked for the Preparing DARIAH - the Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities project. Furthermore, she participated in the Greek Research Infrastructure Network for the Humanities (DYAS). During the last couple of years she worked on EHRI (European Holocaust Research Infrastructure). The subject of her research involved the identification and analysis of scholarly research practices and use of archival materials - both within and outside the digital domain - and how these might support and enhance research in Holocaust studies.
Since February 2013 she is leading a Work Package in the Europeana Cloud. The objective of her work in this Project is Assessing Researcher Needs in the Cloud and Ensuring Community Engagement.
She has participated in various Greek and foreign archaeological excavations and surveys (Oropos, Eleutherna, Ithaki, Corinthia), and has presented papers in numerous conferences in Greece and abroad. She has worked for the Department of Greek and Foreign Scientific Institutions, Organizations and International Issues, Directorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Hellenic Ministry of Culture, as well as for the Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World. In 2008 she worked for PRC Group - The Management House, on the documentation and information management side of the project on the digitization and digital documentation of the collections of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture.