Call for expression of interest for partner
The Institute for the Management of Information Systems of «Athena» RIC wishes to recruit one (1) postdoc researcher on informatics with a fixed-term assignment contract for the needs of the co-founded research project "LODGOV: Data governance in the era of the Web of Data: generate, manage, preserve, share and protect resources in the Web of Data" with the code 315 in the context of the Action "ARISTEIA Ι".
See HERE the detailed notice and the qualifications required.
The APPLICATION and the supporting documents, as mentioned in the notice, shall be submitted to the following address no later than the 26th of February 2014.
Institute for the Management of Information Systems / «Athena» RIC 6, Artemidos and Epidavrou street, Postal Code 15125, Paradeisos of Amarousion.
In case the supporting documents are sent by mail, their receipt shall be guaranteed until 26/02/2014.
Information: Institute for the Management of Information Systems (tel: +30 210 6875403, e-mail: