Cultivating Open Data Ecologies: Lessons from the Implementation of the INSPIRE Directive Full text

Prodromos Tsiavos, Kaliope Pediaditi, Konstantinos Nedas, Spiros Athanasiou
In “Geographic Data and the Law: Defining New Challenges”, Leuven University Press
Abstract. This chapter discusses the passing of law 3882/2010 entitled “National Infrastructure for Geodata” on 22 September 2010 by the Greek Parliament. This law constitutes the Greek national transposition law for the INSPIRE Directive (2007/2/EC). It was the result of a lengthy process, which involved a meticulous consultation with all involved stakeholders, and a concentrated effort to create a functional and sustainable system for the sharing of Geodata in the context of the Greek legal system. Law 3882/2010 adopts a data-life cycle approach and increases the threshold of protection of the re-use of Public Sector Information. In that sense, it could operate as a model for a general system for organizing the regulation of open data in the public sector. The author argues that it is important to view the transposition of the INSPIRE directive as part of a greater ecology of laws aiming at the cultivation of a broader common information environment. Such an ecology contains legislative instruments, but also ministerial decrees, licensing practices and interoperability specifications. The chapter aims at presenting the key elements of the contribution Law 3882/2010 could make to such an infrastructure and the way in which its constituent elements may be used as a blueprint for a broader public data sharing regulatory intervention