A new perspective on efficient and dependable vehicle routing

Dieter Pfoser, Alexandros Efentakis, Agnès Voisard, Carola Wenk
In Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS), 2009.

The essential elements of any navigation system are a shortest-path algorithm and a map dataset. When seen in the light of the basic requirement to such a system, to provide high quality navigation solutions fast, algorithms have to be efficient and road networks have to be up-to-date. The contribution of this work is two-fold. First, the HBA* algorithm, an efficient shortest-path algorithm is presented that mimics human driving behavior by exploiting road network hierarchies. HBA* is a fast algorithm that produces high quality routes. Second, in a thorough performance study dynamic travel times are introduced to replace the unreliable static speed types currently used in connection with road network datasets. Dynamic travel times are derived from large quantities of historic vehicle tracking data. The integrated result, fast algorithms using accurate data, is empirically evaluated using actual road network datasets and related dynamic travel time data.