Υλοποίηση μηχανισμού κατάταξης δημοσιεύσεων σχετικών με βιομόρια micro-RNA Full text

Βασιλική Βλαχοκυριάκου
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Diploma Thesis
Abstract. The study of biomolecules involved in different mechanisms of life (DNA, proteins, molecules microRNA etc.), is necessary for researchers to understand and cure genetic diseases. Papers related to these biomolecules, are published in scientific journals and conferences, and, along with the metadata associated with their content, are recorded in databases that offer searching abilities online. In previous work, the application Diana MirPub has been developed which is a database that contains scientific papers relevant to microRNA biomolecules, combined with a web application that provides advanced search services on stored data. The scientific papers that form the result set of a search query, are ranked according to their date of publication. The objective of this thesis is to implement a ranking mechanism for presenting the results of the application based on the importance of each work. Similar mechanisms, used by search engines to rank websites, are unable to evaluate correctly the importance of new publications, due to the differences found in graphs of citations between publications, to those of hyperlinks between websites. Therefore, publication ranking algorithms proposed in relevant bibliography have been studied and programs that implement them have been developed. Finally the implemented algorithms evaluated as optimal were incorporated on Diana MirPub. A new functionality was added to the application enabling a user to display search results, based on one of these algorithms.