OSMRec tool for automatic recommendation of categories on spatial entities in OpenStreetMap Full text

Giorgos Giannopoulos, Nikos Karagiannakis, Dimitrios Skoutas, Spiros Athanasiou
9th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, Demo and Posters Track, 2015 (RecSys 2015)
Abstract. In this demonstration, we present OSMRec, a command line utility and JOSM plugin for automatic recommendation of tags (categories) on newly created spatial entities in OpenStreetMap (OSM). JOSM allows downloading parts of OSM, editing the map (e.g. inserting, deleting, annotating with tags spatial entities) and re-uploading the updated part back on OSM. OSMRec plugin exploits already annotated entities within OSM to train category classification models and utilizes these models in order to recommend OSM categories for newly inserted spatial entities in OSM.