National Research Infrastructure CLARIN-EL
R&D Project - National

CLARIN-EL is the Greek member of CLARIN, a European Research Infrastructure which aims at providing easy and sustainable access for scholars in the humanities and social sciences to digital language data (in written, spoken, video or multimodal form) and advanced tools to discover, explore, exploit, annotate, analyse or combine them, independent of where they are located.

CLARIN-EL, during its current construction phase, aims to provide to the research community the infrastructure and mechanisms required for collecting and documenting language resources and language Technology tools (LRT) for the Greek language, in a network of repositories which will be constantly updated from network members.

Furthermore, CLARIN-EL aims to: provide web services for accessing resources and tools, research the legal framework for accessing LRT, provide legal counseling services to providers and users of LERT, educate and train researchers and society at large over the uses of LRT.

CLARIN-EL is a joint activity of “Athena” Research Center, with the participation of ILSP and IMIS.