eLib GGDE 2
- Contact person: George Papastefanatos
- Start date: 13-11-2017
- End date: 12-11-2022
- Body: Independent Authority for Public Revenue
- IMSI funding: 10 KEuro
The project eLib aims at developing a digital library for the General Secreteriat for Public Revenue (G.G.D.E.) of Ministry of Finance. eLib analyzes and provides information to public servants and citizens on the legislation concerning the areas of G.G.D.E. competence (taxation, public revenues, etc). Legal documents are automatically harvested from institutional sources (National Printing Office, Di@ygeia), their content and metadata are extracted, semantically analyzed and structured according to the AKOMA NTOSO,and ELI) specifications. Moreover, content is indexed for full-text search, browsing and faceted filtering. Users can search and navigate the legal content and create personal collections with references to whole documents or parts of them.