Prof. Panos Vassiliadis received his Diploma in Elec. Engineering and his PhD from the National Technical Univ. of Athens in 1995 and 2000, respectively. Currently, he is a Professor at the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering in the Univ. of Ioannina. His research interests lie in the areas of (a) data warehousing in general, with particular emphasis to Extraction-Transformation-Loading (ETL) of data in warehouses and Active Data Warehousing, (b) Metadata-Rich Data-Intensive Information Ecosystems, with particular emphasis to the modeling, pattern-based design, and evolution of their underlying database infrastructure, and, (c) Web-Services with particular emphasis to SOA maintenance.
Prof. Vassiliadis is the co-editor of the book “Fundamentals of Data Warehouses” Springer-Verlag. He has more than 60 publications in international journals and conferences (IEEE TKDE, Information Systems, ICDE, SSDBM, ER, CAiSE and others). Prof. Vassiliadis has served as a reviewer for various journals (including VLDBJ, Information Systems, IEEE TKDE, DKE, DAPD, DSS, JODS, IST and others) and as a PC member in several conferences. Moreover, Prof. Vassiliadis has served as a PC chair for DMDW 2003, ParMa 2004 and 2006, DOLAP 2006, HDMS 2009 and a track co-chair for ICDE 2009 (“DW, OLAP and data grids” track) and CIKM 2009 in the “Knowledge Management” Track (responsible for the areas “Data pre- and post-Processing”, “Information Filtering and Recommender Systems”, “Knowledge Synthesis and Visualization”).