VeTo-web: A Recommendation Tool for the Expansion of Sets of Scholars
JCDL 2021: 334-335
- Πληροφορίες: Σεραφείμ Χατζόπουλος , Θανάσης Βεργούλης , Θοδωρής Δαλαμάγκας
- Σχετικό ερευνητικό έργο: SmartDataLake
Expanding a set of known experts with new ones that share similar expertise is a problem that emerges in various real-life applications. We demonstrate VeTo-web, an open source, publicly available tool that deals with this problem in the context of searching for academic experts. VeTo-web exploits analysis techniques for scholarly knowledge graphs to identify scholars that share similar research activities with a given expert group and offers a Web-based user interface to assist its users in expanding a set of academic experts with additional scholars with similar expertise.