BIP! Finder: Facilitating scientific literature search by exploiting impact-based ranking
CIKM 2019
- Πληροφορίες: Θανάσης Βεργούλης , Σεραφείμ Χατζόπουλος , Ηλίας Κανέλλος , Θοδωρής Δαλαμάγκας
- Σχετικό ερευνητικό έργο: MEDA.2
Due to the rapidly increasing number of scientific articles, finding valuable work for further research has become tedious and time consuming. To alleviate this issue, search engines have used citation-based article impact ranking. However, most engines rely on very simplistic impact measures (usually the citation count) and make the problematic assumption that there is a one-size-fits-all impact measure. To address these problems, we present BIP! Finder, a search engine that facilitates the identification of valuable articles by exploiting two different impact measures, each capturing a different aspect of the article impact. In addition, BIP! Finder provides many useful features (article comparison, intuitive visualisations, article bookmarking mechanism, etc.) making it a powerful addition to the researcher's toolbox.