Welcome to IMSI, the Information Management Systems Institute, a leading research institute in Greece and a Centre of Excellence for research, development, and innovation in the areas of large-scale information systems and Big Data management. IMSI lies within the “ATHENA” Research and Innovation Center in Information, Communication and Knowledge Technologies, which is the first research center in Greece with a focus exclusively on Information Society.
IMSI is today one of Greece’s premier research institutes in the area of information management. Over the past few years, IMSI researchers have been very successful in attracting and implementing numerous cutting-edge research and development projects, at both the national and international level. Furthermore, IMSI has created strong collaborative ties with top European research institutions and has successfully promoted the development and use of state-of-the art information systems platforms and tools in both local industry and various Greek government organizations.
Keynote at EDBT 2024 - Georgia Koutrika: "Natural Language Data Interfaces: A Data Access Odyssey".
QFusor has received the IEEE ICDE 2024 Best Demo Award.
The Medical Informatics Platform (MIP) has received the EDBT 2024 Best Demo Award.
Alkis Simitsis is PC co-chair for EDBT 2025.
Georgia Koutrika has won the EDBT 2023 Test-Of-Time Award for the paper "HIL: A High-Level Scripting Language for Entity Integration", published in EDBT 2013.
Alkis Simitsis has won the DOLAP 2023 Test-Of-Time Award for the paper "Conceptual modeling for ETL processes", published in DOLAP 2002.
Georgia Koutrika is PC co-chair for VLDB 2023 and co-EiC of Proceedings of the VLDB
Εκλογή του καθ. Μίνω Γαροφαλάκη, Διευθυντή του ΙΠΣΥ, στην Academia Europaea
Keynote at ICPM 2022 - Minos Garofalakis: Complex-Event Mining over Centralized and Distributed Data Streams